Heidi, UD . My first dog.
CH Dazzle ROM . My heart dog and foundation girl. Waiting at the Bridge.
CH Spanky CD . My first champion.
DC Ginger CGC RN BN at 13 years of age!
BISS GCHB Amelia Our beautiful girl.
Casey CD RN . Our sweet boy at the Bridge.
GCHS DC Salsa . Our most recent longhair star and mama. She is Dazzle's great great granddaughter! She won BV at the NOHS Finals in FL in 2019. Now a mama twice! AND SHE IS NOW A DUAL CH!!
BISS GCHS Luna . Our continuing star. Shown winning at the Westminster KC. She has done it twice!

DC Sadie. Sadie is a dual champion and is a fantastic little gal. What a hunter!

Bugle CGC, champion pointed, owned with Penny Neil. Salsa's son.
Jive, both majors, owned with George Catlett. Salsa's son.

Our "SPRING" litter kids are now all CHAMPIONS.
CH Riva . My sweet girl at the Bridge.